How to Submit your First Claim

The first time you install eClaims you will have to enter information in a specific order.

First enter the details of all doctors and then add the patient details.

1. Add the doctor data into eClaims.

Refer to adding a new doctor.

2. Add the patient into eClaims.

Refer to adding a new patient.


Once the doctor and patient details have been entered you are ready to bill the patient.

3. Billing

Refer to Billing a client.


Online claims are completed in a two step process. First complete the transactions so they are ready to transmit and finally transmit the transactions electronically.

It is fine to prepare multiple batches for transmission throughout the day but we recommend that you only transmit online claims at the end of the day to make the reconciliation process easier.

4. Prepare the online claims

Refer to How to Process Claims.

5. Transmit the online claims.

Refer to Sending Claims Online.