SMS Template Commands

SMS messages can be created using special fields to include patient information such as the patient name, date of appointment and time of appointment.

If templates are created in the Scheduler there are some additional commands available.



If you wanted to create a reminder message in the scheduler

Hi Kerry, confirming your appointment with Dr Reedon 22/04/2015 at 11:00.

The template is

Hi <<alltrim(subst(name, at(',',name)+1))>>, confirming your appointment with <<alltrim(doc.dtitle)>> <<alltrim(doc.dlastn)>> on <<adate>> at  <<transform(atime, '@R 99:99')>>.


Function  Command
Date <<date()>>
Date of the week eg. Monday <<cdow(adate)>>
Current Date and Time in AM/PM <<datetime()>>


Function Command
 Title  <<alltrim(pat.title)>>
 First Name  <<alltrim(pat.firstn)>>
 Last Name  <<alltrim(pat.lastn)>>
 Address  <<alltrim(pat.add)>>
 City  <<alltrim(>>
 State  <<alltrim(pat.state)>>
 Postcode  <<alltrim(>>
 Sex  <<alltrim(>>
 File Number  <<alltrim(pat.pattype)>>


 Servicing Doctor 

Function  Command
Title <<doc.dtitle>>
First Name <<alltrim(doc.dname)>>
Last Name <<alltrim(doc.dlastn)>>
Provider Number <<doc.licno>>
ABN <<doc.abn>>
Qualifications <<alltrim(doc.dqualif)>>
Address <<alltrim(doc.dadd)>> <<alltrim(doc.dadd1)>>
City <<alltrim(doc.dadd)>>
Phone <<alltrim(doc.dphone)>>
Fax <<alltrim(doc.dfax)>>
State <<doc.dstate>>
Postcode <<doc.dzip>>
Invoice As <<alltrim(doc.knownas)>>


Referring Doctor

Function Command
Title <<alltrim(ref.reftitle)>>
First Name <<alltrim(ref.reffirst)>>
Last Name <<alltrim(ref.reflast)>>
Address <<alltrim(ref.refadd)>>
City <<alltrim(ref.refcity)>>
State <<ref.refstate>>
Zip <<ref.refzip>>
Phone <<ref.refphone>>
Fax <<ref.reffax>>


Company Details

Function Command
Name <<m_dname>>
Address <<m_dadd>> <<m_dadd1>>
City <<m_dcity>>
State <<m_dstate>>
Postcode <<m_dzip>>
ABN <<m_abn>>
Phone <<m_dphone>>
Fax <<m_dfax>>
When creating templates from the Scheduler you can also use the following additional fields. Please note that templates created in the scheduler are only available in the scheduler screen.


Function Command Example
Patient’s Full Name <<name>> Jim
Date of Appointment  <<adate>> 26/10/2015
Day in number of appointment  <<day(adate)>> 26
Day of Appointment  <<cdow(adate)>> Monday
Month of Appointment  <<cmonth(adate)>> September
Day of Appointment (only first 3 characters)  <<left(cdow(adate),3)>> Mon
Time of Appointment 24hr  <<transform(atime, '@R 99:99')>> 14.30
Time of Appointment 12hr <<transform(iif(val(atime)>=1300,PADL(alltrim(STR(val(atime)-1200)),4,'0'),atime), '@R 99:99')>> 2.30
Time of Appointment 12hr with AM/PM <<transform(iif(val(atime)>=1300,PADL(alltrim(STR(val(atime)-1200)),4,'0'),atime), '@R 99:99')>><<iif(val(atime)>=1200,'PM','AM')>> 2.30pm


Need assistance creating a template, just email the message required to our support staff via