Requests and Medical Exemptions

This tutorial shows you how to set Requests or Medical Exemptions for a patient in eClaims for the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

Open the patient screen How to open the patient screen

For more information on Patient Screen click here

Click on AIR at the bottom of the screen.

The AIR screen will appear. Select the doctor under the Information Provider drop down and click Submit at the bottom of the screen.

Once the patient is able to be identified, the Requests and Medical Exemptions tabs will be clickable. Any indicators that have been set for the patient previously, like planned catch up date, Medical Contradiction and Natural Immunity, will also be displayed.



Under the Requests tab, you will be able to view and edit the History Details, view the History Statement, Medical Contraindication History, view Natural Immunity and Vaccine Trial History, add or remove the Additional Vaccine Indicator and update the Indigenous Status of the patient.

NOTE: Patient Consent is required to add or remove additional vaccines as well as updating Indigenous Status.

The Medical Contraindications and Natural Immunities set can be viewed from the History Statement.


Medical Exemptions

Under the Medical Exemptions tab, you can set the Medical Contraindication and Natural Immunity.