Patient Screen



Patient Details Patient # Computer generated number, you cant change this i.e : 13451.0
Title ie: Mr, Mrs, Master etc
External ID ID number which eClaims uses to link this patient to other programs
Last Name Patient’s surname
First Patient’s first name
Mi Patient’s middle initial
Address Patient’s address
Resp Acct Responsible account – the responsible party’s Patient# – same as the Patient# without the dot i.e : 12451
City Patient’s suburb
State The state of Australia that the patient lives in
P/Code Post Code of the suburb where the patient lives
File / MRN File number for the patient’s paper file. It does not automatically increment, you have to enter it manually
Medicare Details Num The patient’s Medicare number. Medicare number’s are a special polynomial number thus you can not put an invalid number. To  bypass enter 0.
Exp Expiry date and date of the Medicare Card.
Ref # Patients reference number on the card, can be  1-9
VA Number Patient’s Veteran’s Affair Number and select the VA card type from the drop down menu.
Health Fund Health Fund Patient’s Health Fund
Membership Patients health fund membership number.
UPI Universal Patient Identifier number
Alias Name Patient first name if it is different to the official first name
Alias Surname Patient family name if it is different to the official family name
Next of Kin First Patient’s next of kin contact first name
Surname Patient’s next of kin contact last name
Address Patient’s next of kin contact address
C/S/P City/State/Postcode
Phone Patient’s next of kin phone number
Relation Relation of next of kin to the patient
Bill To Not Set Bills are the responsibility of the patient.
NOK Forward bills to Next Of Kin
Private Forward bills to a private company.
Other Admission Admission date
Discharge Discharge date
CN Period Community Nursing Period. After entering the date this can be modified by clicking the arrow next to the date.
From Start of community nursing period. This is the same as CN Period date and cannot be modified.
To The end of the community nursing period. This date is 28 days after the CN start date.This date cannot be modified.
CN Tools Community Nursing Tools. Select  ADL Cognitive Behavioural, ADL Eating, ADL Personal Hygiene, ADL Toileting Continence, ADL Transfer Mobility, Carer, Lives Alone
ADL Tool Activities of Daily Living. Click for dropdown menu and select from RUGS III (Resource Utilisation Group version III), KATZ (KATZ index of independence), ONI/INI/ACNA (Ongoing Needs Identification)/(Initial Needs Identification)/!!MORE INFO!! ACNA, FIM/FAM, CNMDSA (Functional Independence Measure )/(Functional Assessment Measure),(Community Nursing Data Set Australia), Other
Misc Indigenous Select from Not Stated, No, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
E-Mail Patient’s email address
Home Phone Patient’s home phone number
Dr# If the patient prefers a particular doctor in the practice, type the doctor’s number here. When you bill the patient it will default to private billing and the selected fee level.
Work Phone Patient’s work phone number.
Fee# If the patient is a privately billed patient and is billed a particular fee level, type the level here and when you bill this patient it will default to private billing and to the selected fee level.
Mobile Num Patient’s mobile phone number
Sex M = male, F = female
DOB/Age Date of Birth
Arch If ticked it will archive the patient.
Entitle No Patient’s Health Care card, Pensioner concession card or Commonwealth Seniors Health card.
Exp The expiry date of the Entitle No.
Deceased Indicates that the patient is deceased.
Statem If this is ticked it will print a statement when printing the debt collection list. If this is un-ticked it will never print a statement for this patient.
Recall Tick it to add a recall for the patient or to view the patient’s recalls.
Emp Info…. Will show you the patient’s employer details.
Referring Referring No The number of the referring doctor in the eClaims database
Referring Details The name of the referring doctor
Ref Date The date that the referral was written by the referring Doctor
Period The duration of the referral.
RefTo The name of the specific doctor that the patient was referred to in the practice.
First Consult Date of first consultation between the patient and the referred doctor.
Notes Any notes that you wish to add to the referral.
Sch Alert Adds an alert when the patient is added to the scheduler. IE patient allergies
Extra Notes If there is not sufficient space under Notes more detailed notes can be stored here. When you add extra notes the colour of the button will become green
Pat Verif Opens the Patient Verification Screen
Booked Appt Shows a list of appointments made by the patient
SMS Opens the SMS screen where you can send and receive messages with the patient.
OEC Online Eligibility Check for Eclipse
Clinical Opens a link to the clients clinical software package.
Total Family Displays the total amount of money unpaid by the family of the patient.
Reports Opens the word processing / reports screen