Installation Troubleshooting

Every so often difficulties may be experienced when installing or updating eClaims.

Below are listed several things that should be checked and considered.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

What does DEP mean?

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional checks on memory to help prevent malicious code from running on a system. In Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Microsoft Windows Vista, DEP is managed by hardware and software.

The primary benefit of DEP is to help prevent code execution from data pages. Typically, code is not executed from the default heap and the stack. Hardware-enforced DEP detects code that is running from these locations and raises an exception when execution occurs. Software-enforced DEP can help prevent malicious code from taking advantage of exception-handling mechanisms in Windows.

DEP can be found in Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance (Settings)->Data Execution Prevention.

If DEP is turned on for essential Windows programs and services only, then eClaims should not experience any difficulties when loading.

If DEP is turned on for all Windows programs and services except those I select, then the following eClaims files must be added to the list:

eclaims.exe, eclmpluswin.exe, elive.exe, epost.exe

A System Restart may be required.

Folder Sharing & Permissions

Having the wrong Folder Sharing settings and Permissions can cause unwanted problems for eClaims users who are in Domain and Workgroup environments. So it is important that we set the correct Folder Sharing and Permissions on the Server and Workstations. Folder Permissions can be set by following the instructions below:

Login to the Server as an Administrator.

Using Explorer locate the  eclmpluswin folder on the Server

Right-click on the folder select Properties and select Sharing and Security.

Select the Sharing tab and click Share this folder option, change the share name if necessary.

Click on the Permissions button and tick Full Control.

Select the Security tab and if an entry for Everyone is not in the list, click the Add button then type the word Everyone and press Enter.

Tick Full Control tick box and click Apply and Ok.

Folder Sharing is normally on the Server, whilst Permissions should be set on both the Server and Workstations.