Fund payee ID

A fund payee ID is provided by the health fund to a doctor based on the bank account that has been registered by the doctor with the fund if billing using Eclipse agreement.

Without this fund ID claims could be rejected with the error message – Error code 1001 – Fund payee ID not recognised by the fund.


Please note: At the time of writing Bupa, Medibank Private and NIB require a fund payee ID.


To have eClaims add this fund ID to a claim a text file with the title FundPayeeID.txt needs to be created and added to the eclmpluswin folder on the eClaims server directory.


Create the file using notepad.

Enter the Fund ID, the doctor’s fund payee ID with a comma separating each value as shown below.


Ensure all characters are in UPPERCASE. and that a comma is added to the last entry as shown below.
