Error code when sending batches in comms centre

Error – SELECT ViewBTran occurs when trying to send batches through the Comms Centre



When the error appears the batch number affected is displayed at the top of the screen in green. If this occurs only with one batch, try selecting the other batches and transmit them separately.



This error can be caused by an issue with a setting on the local machine.

Go to the main menu and click Maintenance and Miscellaneous.

Enter the system password.




By default the screen will open on the General tab.



Click Update and a quick process will occur. The update process should be completed in a few seconds, if it takes a long period of time please contact ACSS.

When the process is complete an Update Utility screen will be displayed.




Click OK to close eClaims.


Open and login to eClaims as you normally do and try to transmit the batch again.


Rather than selecting all batches try selecting just one in Comms Centre and transmit it. The error may be connected to a specific batch rather than all batches.


If the problem continues it may be necessary to assign the batch again. Go into the batch handler and assign the batch again. Once assigned try to transmit it through Comms Centre.

How to assign a batch.


If the error continues please contact ACSS support.