Adding or modifying practice details

The practice details are stored in business data.

Click Maintenance and Business Data from the main menu to open a list displaying the practice name and all doctors in the practice.


The first entry at the top of the list is the practice details. Click on the top line so it is highlighted and click OK to open the practice data screen.



The Practice Data screen displays the practice name, address and details. Enter or modify these details and click OK to save changes or Cancel to discard changes and return to the previous screen.



Practice name, address and phone details entered here are displayed in patient invoices and other documents. Any changes made to this screen will change the details printed on both new and existing invoices.


Site ID can be set to restrict access to scheduler and job control by login. For more information refer to Site ID and security settings.

SCP Number is the Medicare Specimen Collection Provider number used by bulk bill pathology service providers. This number is issued by Medicare to the practice.

NRO Site No is the National Radiology Oncology registration number if required.

Billing Agent number should be entered if the billing agent has been issued a number from Medicare.

When the practice details are modified it’s necessary to close and open eClaims for the changes to be updated in eClaims.


Banking Details
