Reports – Batch Summary

The Batch Summary report shows the details of each individual batch and can be generated either in the batch handler for a specific doctor or from reports for a report on either all doctors or a specific doctor.


There are two ways to create the report.

Go to the main menu.

Click Reports and Summary Batch (To be able to print a report for All Doctors or a specific doctor)




Click Patient and Batch Handler to print a report for a specific doctor only.


Select the doctor from the menu and click OK.



In the Batch Summary screen click Print.



Scope Select from Current Records or All Records. Current Records will display all records except archived files. All Records will display all records including archived files.

Date Range field can only be selected if All Records is clicked under Scope.

Output To see the report on your monitor (Screen), print a paper copy (Printer) or save it as an excel file (File (xls))


Want to save a report in excel. Click here to see how. Exporting Reports to Excel.


When completed click OK to continue or Cancel to return to the previous screen.





DrBatch is the doctors batch number in eClaims.

Batch is the transaction batch number in eClaims.

D of L is the Date of Lodgement

DateRcvd is the date payment was received

AmtClaim is the amount claimed

AmtRcvd is the amount received from the claim

Run is the Medicare Run Number.

NV is the number of vouchers in the batch.

Sts refers to the status of the batch. The different batch codes are CUR = current, CLS = Closed, SND = Ready to send, E_S = Electronically sent, E_R = Electronically Received, RCV = Payment has been received.

S refers to the service type and the different letters are M Medicare, I Immunisation, V Veterans, P Private.


At the bottom of the screen is a summary of the total amount claimed and the total amounts in transit, acknowledged or received.
