Health Level Seven (HL7) Interface Specifications
- Introduction
This document describes eClaims HL7 file output for interfacing with information systems.
- HL7 Messages
A message is the smallest unit of data transferred between systems. It is comprised of a group of segments in a defined sequence. Each message has a message type that defines its purpose.
For example, the ADT Message type is used to transmit portions of a patient’s Patient Administration (ADT) data from one system to another. A 3 character code contained within each message identifies its type.
The real-world event that initiates an exchange of messages is called a trigger event.
These codes represent values such as “A patient is admitted” or “An order event occurred.”
There is a one-to-many relationship between message types and trigger event codes. The same trigger event code may not be associated with more than one message type.
- Segments
A segment is a logical grouping of data fields. Segments of a message may be required or optional. They may occur only once in a message or they may be allowed to repeat.
Each segment is given a name.
For example, the ADT message may contain the following segments:
- Message Header (MSH)
- Event Type (EVN)
- Patient ID (PID)
- Patient Visit (PV1).
Each segment is identified by a unique 3 character code known as the Segment ID.
- Fields
A field is a string of characters. HL7 does not care how systems actually store data within an application.
When fields are transmitted, they are sent as character strings.
Except where noted, HL7 data fields may take on the null value. Sending the null value, which is transmitted as two double quote marks (“ ”), is different from omitting an optional data field. The difference appears when the contents of a message will be used to update a record in a database rather than create a new one. If no value is sent, (i.e., it is omitted) the old value should remain unchanged. If the null value is sent, the old value should be changed to null.
- Position (Sequence Within the Segment)
This is the ordinal position of the data field within the segment. This number is used to refer to the data field in the text comments that follow the segment definition table.
In the segment attribute tables, this information is in a column labelled SEQ.
- Maximum Length
The maximum length is the maximum number of characters that one occurrence of the data field may occupy. It is calculated to include the component and subcomponent separators. Because the maximum length is that of a single occurrence, the repetition separator is not included in calculating the maximum length.
In the segment attribute tables, this information is in a column labelled LEN.
- Data Type
The data type restricts the contents of the data field. There are a number of data types defined by HL7.
The data types used in this specification are described in the following table.
Data Type Category or Data Type(Alphanumeric) |
Data Type Name | Notes and Format |
CE | Coded Element | Identifier ^ text ^ name of coding system ^ alternate identifier ^ alternate text ^ name of alternate coding system |
CM | Composite | Combination of components of varying data types |
CQ | Composite quantity with units | quantity (NM) ^ units (CE) |
CX | Extended composite ID with check digit |
ID ^ check digit ^ code identifying the check digit scheme employed^ assigning authority^ identifier type code^ assigning facility |
EI | Entity identifier | Entity identifier ^ namespace ID ^ universal ID ^ universal ID type |
FT | Formatted text Data | This data type is derived from the string data type by allowing the addition of embedded formatting instructions. These instructions are limited to those that are intrinsic and independent of the circumstances under which the field is being used. See section 2.8.19 “Use of escape sequences in text fields” of the HL7 2.3.1 Standard Specifications for a list of allowed formatting commands. |
HD | Hierarchic designator | Namespace ID ^ universal ID ^ universal ID type |
ID | Coded value for HL7 defined tables | Valued from a table of HL7 legal values |
IS | Coded value for user-defined tables | Valued from a table of site legal values |
PT | Processing type | Processing ID ^ processing mode |
ST | String | String data is left justified with trailing blanks optional |
TQ | Timing quantity | Utilizes the Priority component for order priority |
TX | Text Data | String data meant for user display |
XCN | Extended composite id number and name for persons | ID ^ family name ^ given name ^ middle initial or name |
XPN | Extended person name | family name ^ given name ^ middle initial or name^Suffix^Prefix^Degree^TypeCode |
NM | Numeric | A number represented as a series of ASCII numeric characters consisting of an optional leading sign (+ or -), the digits and an optional decimal point. |
XAD | Extended Address | This data type specifies the address of a person, place or organization plus associated information. |
XTN | Extended Telecommunication Number | See section 2.8.52 “XTN – extended telecommunication number” of the HL7 v2.3.1 Standard Specifications documentation. |
PL | Person Location | This data type is used to specify a patient location within a healthcare institution |
DT | Date | Specifies the century and year with optional precision to month and day. |
TQ | Timing Quantity | Describes when a service should be performed and how frequently. |
ED | Encapsulated Data | This data type transmits encapsulated data from a source system to a destination system. It contains the identity of the source system, the type of data, the encoding method of the data, and the data itself. This data type is similar to the RP (reference pointer) data type of Section 2.8.36, “RP – reference pointer,” except that instead of pointing to the data on another system, it contains the data which is to be sent to that system. |
- Optionality
Optionality indicates whether the field is required, optional, or conditional in a segment. The designations are:
- R—required
- O—optional
- C—conditional on the trigger event or on other field(s)
- X—not used with this trigger event
In the segment attribute tables this information is in a column labelled OPT
- Repetition
Repetition indicates whether the field may repeat. The designations are:
- N—No repetition
- Y—The field may repeat an indefinite or site-determined number of times.
- (integer)—The field may repeat up to the number of times specified by the integer.
Each occurrence may contain the number of characters specified by the field’s maximum length. In the segment attribute tables, this information is in a column labelled RP/#.
- Message Delimiters
In constructing a message, the following special characters are used.
Segment terminator—The segment terminator is always a carriage return (in ASCII, a hex 0D).
- Field separator
- Component separator
- Subcomponent separator
- Repetition separator
- Escape character
The other delimiters are defined in the MSH segment with the field delimiter in the fourth character position. Other delimiters occurring as in the field called Encoding Characters are indicated in the first field after the segment ID.
The delimiter values used in the MSH segment are the delimiter values used throughout the entire message. Each delimiter character can be escaped when required to be used as a field value as opposed to a delimiter.
Delimiter | Suggested Value | Encoding Character Position | Escaping Character | Usage |
Segment Terminator | <cr> hex 0D |
– | \n | Terminates a segment record. This value cannot be changed by implementers. |
Field Separator | | | – | \F\ | Separates two adjacent data fields within a segment. It also separates the segment ID from the first data field in each segment. |
Component Separator | ^ | 1 | \S\ | Separates adjacent components of data fields where allowed. |
Subcomponent Separator | & | 4 | \T\ | Separates adjacent subcomponents of data fields where allowed. If there are no subcomponents, this character may be omitted. |
Repetition Separator | ~ | 2 | \R\ | Separates multiple occurrences of a field where allowed. |
Escape Character | \ | 3 | Not supported | Escape character for use with any field represented by an ST, TX or FT data type, or for use with the data (fourth) component of the ED data type. If no escape characters are used in a message, this character may be omitted. However, it must be present if subcomponents are used in the message. |
- Messages
This section describes the HL7 messages eClaims produces. The segments listed for every message type are required, segments in square brackets are optional, and segments that do not appear are ignored.
11.1 ADT A04 – Register a Patient
- PV1
11.2 ADT A08 – Update Patient Information
- PV1
11.3 ADT A18 – Merge Patient Information – Patient ID Only
11.4 ORM O01 – General Order Message
This message may contain multiple OBR segments but each repetition must follow a PID segment.
- PV1
11.5 ORU R01 – Observational Results
- PV1
Many report headers (OBR) may be sent beneath each patient segment, with many separate observation segments (OBX) beneath each OBR. Note segments (NTE) may be inserted after any of the segments.
The note segment applies to the entity that immediately precedes it, i.e., the patient, if it follows the PID segment, the observation, if it follows the OBR segment, and the individual result, if it follows the OBX segment.
- Segments
Note: In the Optional/Required column, R indicates that the field is required in the segment.
12.1 MSH – Message Header
# | Field Name | HL7 Type | Optional/Required | Repeated | Comment |
1 | Field Separator | ST | R | ||
2 | Encoding Characters | ST | R | ||
3 | Sending Application | HD | eClaims | ||
4 | Sending Facility | HD | eClaims Client Name / ACSS | ||
5 | Receiving Application | HD | |||
6 | Receiving Facility | HD | |||
7 | Message Date/Time | TS | Date and time the HL7 file was generated EG: 20160101113022 | ||
8 | Security | ST | N/A | ||
9 | Message Type | CM | R | ||
10 | Message Control ID | ST | N/A | ||
11 | Processing ID | PT | N/A | ||
12 | Version ID | ID | N/A | ||
13 | Sequential Number | NM | |||
14 | Continuation Pointer | ST | |||
15 | Accept Acknowledgement type | ID | |||
16 | Application Acknowledgement type | ID | |||
17 | Country Code | ID | AU | ||
18 | Character Set | ID | R | ASCII | |
19 | Language of Message | CE | ENG | ||
20 | Alternate Character Set Handling Scheme | ID |
12.2 PID – Patient Identification and Details
# | Field Name | HL7 Type | Optional/Required | Repeated | Comments |
1 | Set ID | NM | |||
2 | Patient External ID | CX | R | ||
3 | Patient Internal ID | CX | R | R | eClaims Patient Number and Medicare card number and/or DVA number if present. EG: 102.1^^^ACSS^PIEC~21111111115^^^AUSHIC^MC |
4 | Patient Alternate ID | CX | R | ||
5 | Patient Name | XPN | R | eClaims Patient Last Name^First^Mi^^Title | |
6 | Mother’s Maiden name | XPN | |||
7 | Patient Date of Birth | TS | R | eClaims DOB/Age | |
8 | Patient Sex | ID | R | eClaims Sex | |
9 | Patient Alias | XPN | R | N/A | |
10 | Patient Race | ID | Re-Used as the Date and Time the exam pick up | ||
11 | Patient Address | XAD | R | eClaims Address^City^State^P/Code | |
12 | Country Code | ID | |||
13 | Home Phone | XTN | R | eClaims Home Phone | |
14 | Business Phone | XTN | R | eClaims Work Phone | |
15 | Language | CE | |||
16 | Marital Status | ID | |||
17 | Religion | ID | |||
18 | Account Number | CX | N/A | ||
19 | Social Security Number | ST | See PID-3 – Patient Internal ID for Medicare Card Number | ||
20 | Driver License Number | CM | |||
21 | Mothers ID | CX | R | ||
22 | Ethnic Group | ID | |||
23 | Birth Place | ST | |||
24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | ID | |||
25 | Birth Order | NM | |||
26 | Citizenship | ID | R | ||
27 | Veterans Military Status | CE | See PID-3 – Patient Internal ID for DVA Card Number | ||
28 | Nationality | CE | |||
29 | Death Date/Time | TS | N/A | ||
30 | Death Indicator | ID | N/A |
12.3 PVI – Patient Visit Details
# | Field Name | HL7 Type | Optional/Required | Repeated | Comments |
1 | Set ID | NM | |||
2 | Patient Class | ID | R | ||
3 | Patient Location | PL | R | eClaims Practice Data screen. City | |
4 | Admission Type | ID | R | ||
5 | Pre-admit Number | CX | |||
6 | Prior Location | PL | |||
7 | Attending Doctor | XCN | R | R | eClaims Servicing Provider Doctor Number^Last Name^Name^Title |
8 | Referring Doctor | XCN | R | R | eClaims Referring provider Number Referring Doctor provider number^Last Name^First Name^^^Title^^^^External ID |
9 | Consulting Doctor | XCN | R | R | |
10 | Hospital Service | ID | R | ||
11 | Temporary Location | PL | |||
12 | Pre-admit test indicator | ID | |||
13 | Re-admission Indicator | ID | |||
14 | Admit Source | ID | |||
15 | Ambulatory Status | ID | R | ||
16 | VIP Indicator | ID | |||
17 | Admitting doctor | XCN | R | R | |
18 | Patient Type | ID | R | eClaims ExamNo | |
19 | Visit ID | CX | R | Uniquely identifies an encounter/visit. | |
20 | Financial Class | CM | R | N/A | |
21 | Charge Price Indicator | ID | N/A | ||
22 | Courtesy Code | ID | N/A | ||
23 | Credit Rating | ID | N/A | ||
24 | Contract Code | ID | R | N/A | |
25 | Contract Effective Date | DT | R | N/A | |
26 | Contract Amount | NM | R | N/A | |
27 | Contract Period | NM | R | N/A | |
28 | Interest Code | ID | N/A | ||
29 | Transfer to Bad Debt Code | ID | N/A | ||
30 | Transfer to Bad Debt Date | DT | N/A | ||
31 | Bad Debt Agency Code | ID | N/A | ||
32 | Bad Debt Date Transfer Amount | NM | N/A | ||
33 | Bad Debt Date recovery Amount | NM | N/A | ||
34 | Delete Account Indication | ID | N/A | ||
35 | Delete Account Date | DT | N/A | ||
36 | Discharge Disposition | ID | N/A | ||
37 | Discharge Location | CM | N/A | ||
38 | Diet Type | ID | N/A | ||
39 | Servicing Facility | ID | N/A | ||
40 | Bed Status | ID | N/A | ||
41 | Account Status | ID | N/A | ||
42 | Pending Location | PL | N/A | ||
43 | Prior Temporary Location | PL | N/A | ||
44 | Admit Date/Time | TS | N/A | ||
45 | Discharge Date/Time | TS | N/A. Required in a message ending an encounter/visit. | ||
46 | Current Balance | NM | N/A | ||
47 | Total Charge | NM | N/A | ||
48 | Total Adjustments | NM | N/A | ||
49 | Total Payments | NM | N/A | ||
50 | Alternative Visit ID | CX | N/A | ||
51 | Visit indicator | ID | N/A | ||
52 | Other Healthcare Provider | XCN | R | N/A |
12.4 ORC – Order Control Segment
This segment conveys the order control information.
# | Field Name | HL7 Type | Optional/Required | Comments |
1 | Order Control | ID | R | NW—Add new order SC—Update order CA—Cancel order RE—Observations to follow |
2 | Placer Order Number | EI | eClaims ExamNo. If presented should be identical to OBR-2. | |
3 | Filler Order Number | EI | R | eClaims position index of item number. Uniquely identifies the order. If presented should be identical to OBR-3. |
4 | Placer Group Number | EI | ||
5 | Order Status | ID | R | SC—Order scheduled CA—Order cancelled CM—Order is complete |
6 | Response Flag | ID | ||
7 | Quantity Timing | TQ | R | N/A. The time the order was scheduled to(the scan/test should) take place, inthe fourth component. The priority information of the orderin the sixth component. If presented, it should be identical to OBR-27. |
8 | Parent | CM | N/A | |
9 | Transaction Date/Time | TS | N/A | |
10 | Entered By | XCN | N/A | |
11 | Verified By | XCN | N/A | |
12 | Ordering Provider | XCN | N/A. Ordering referring physician. If presented should be identical to OBR-16 | |
13 | Enterer Location | PL | N/A | |
14 | Callback Phone Number | XTN | N/A. If presented should be identical to OBR-17. | |
15 | Order Date/Time | TS | N/A | |
16 | Order Control Code Reason | CE | N/A | |
17 | Entering Oranization | CE | N/A | |
18 | Entering Device | CE | N/A | |
19 | Action By | XCN | N/A |
12.5 OBR – Order Segment
This segment conveys the order information.
# | Field Name | DT | OPT | Notes |
1 | Set ID | NM | ||
2 | Placer Order Number | EI | eClaims ExamNo. Should be identical to ORC-2, if present. | |
3 | Filler Order Number | EI | R | eClaims position index of item number. This is the unique order identification number. It may be the same as the accession number (see field 18). Should be identical to ORC-3, if present. |
4 | Universal Service ID | CE | R | The first component of this field contains the MBS item code that indicates the procedure. The second component contains a description of the procedure. eClaims MBS Item code^description^MBS |
5 | Priority | ID | ||
6 | Requested Date/Time | TS | eClaims Ref Date | |
7 | Observation Date/Time | TS | eClaims Job Date | |
8 | Observation End Date/Time | TS | eClaims Job Date | |
9 | Collection Volume | CQ | ||
10 | Collector ID | XCN | ||
11 | Specimen Action Code | ID | ||
12 | Danger Code | CE | ||
13 | Relevant Clinical Information | ST | ||
14 | Specimen Received Date/Time | TS | ||
15 | Specimen Source | CM | R | Contains the body part in the fourth component and laterality in the fifth component: |^^^KNEE^LEFT| |
16 | Ordering Provider | XCN | R | eClaims Referring provider Number Referring Doctor provider number^Last Name^First Name^^^Title^^^^AUSHICPR^ExternalID |
17 | Order Call Back Phone Number | XTN | Should be identical to ORC-14, if presented. | |
18 | Placer Field 1 | ST | R | eClaims position index of item number |
19 | Placer Field2 | ST | eClaims ExamNo | |
20 | Filler Field 1 | ST | eClaims Item code-00 | |
21 | Filler Field 2 | ST | ||
22 | Results Date/Time | TS | Same as OBX-14-Observation Date/Time if presented in an ORU message | |
23 | Charge To Practice | CM | ||
24 | Diagnostic Service Section ID | ID | R | Scanner ID. |
25 | Result Status | ID | R | Same as OBX-11-Observation Result Status if presented in an ORU message. |
26 | Parent Result | CM | ||
27 | Quantity Timing | TQ | R | eClaims Job Date |
28 | Result Copies To | XCN | ||
29 | Parent Order | CM | N/A | |
30 | Transportation Mode | ID | N/A | |
31 | Reason For Study | CE | N/A. This information may help radiologists in future diagnostics (or in current analysis if the order information will be transmitted as soon as it is ordered using the ORM message). | |
32 | Principal Result Interpreter | CM | N/A. This field conveys the name of the radiologist who read the study in the following format: |8798&Jordan&Michael| | |
33 | Assistant Result Interpreter | CM | N/A. This field conveys the name of the assistant radiologist in the following format: |98548&Pippen&Scottie| | |
34 | Technician | CM | N/A | |
35 | Transcriptionist | CM | N/A | |
36 | Scheduled Date/Time | TS | N/A | |
37 | Number of Sample Containers | NM | N/A | |
38 | Transport Logistics of Collected Sample | CE | N/A | |
39 | Collectors Comment | CE | N/A | |
40 | Transport Arrangement Responsibility | CE | N/A | |
41 | Transport Arranged | ID | N/A | |
42 | Escort Required | ID | N/A | |
43 | Planned Patient Transport Comment | CE | N/A |
12.6 OBX – Observation/Report Segment
# | Field Name | DT | OPT | Comments |
1 | Set ID | NM | R | Sequential number of the OBX segment within the message. |
2 | Value type | ID | R | FT – Formatted Text (Display) or ED – Encapsulated Data. See Table 0125 – Value Type |
3 | Observation Identifier | CE | R | Identifies the section of the report. REPORT^^LN |
4 | Observation Sub-ID | ST | A numeric value that may be used to sort the report lines (the OBX segments) | |
5 | Observation Value | ST | R | This section contain the text that typed in the report (FT) or Encapsulated Data (ED) segment can be used to transmit images or documents. |
6 | Units | CE | ||
7 | Reference Range | ST | ||
8 | Abnormal Flags | ID | ||
9 | Probability | NM | ||
10 | Nature Of Abnormal Test | ID | ||
11 | Observation Result Status | ID | R | The status of the report. For example, ‘P’ (Preliminary results), ‘F’ (Final results). Should be identical for all OBX segments of the same report. If OBR-25-Result Status exists, it should be identical. See table 0085 – Observation result status codes interpretation. |
12 | Normal Values Date/Time | TS | ||
13 | Access Checks | ST | ||
14 | Observation Date/Time | TS | R | The report date and time are both required. Should be identical for all OBX segments of the same report. If OBR-22-Results Date/Time exists it should be identical. |
15 | Producer ID | CE | ||
16 | Responsible Observer | XCN | R | This field conveys the ID, name and other details of the radiologist who verified the report in the following format: |8765^Tom^JERRY| |
17 | Observation Method | CE | ||
18 | Equipment Instance Identifier | EI |