Accounting reports – cash receipts

The cash receipts report displays the payment received within the selected date range based on receipted date.


From the main menu click Reports and Accounting Reports.

Click the Cash Receipts tab at the top of the screen.


Receipted date is when payment (Paym) has been processed in the batch handler.




Enter the date range to generate the report. Dates are entered in a dd/mm/yyyy format. In the example above data would be displayed between the 1st of June 2015 and the 30th of October 2015.

Areas is only active if eClaims is configured to use modality. If this is active click Each Area Report and select the area from the drop down list.

All Doctors is selected by default. To create a report for a specific doctor click on the drop down arrow and select the doctor from the list. If a specific doctor is selected you can also select the Service Type below.

If Each Dr Cash Report is selected the report will show the batches sorted by service type. IE Medicare, Veterans etc.

The last drop down box is used to select the service type. Select All Service Types, Private, Workers, Third Party, Medicare, Veterans or Immunisation.


Output to

Screen displays the results on the monitor. It’s possible to print the report from the screen by clicking the printer icon at the top of the screen.

Printer will send the report to a printer. The box below will become active to select the printer if necessary.



File (xls) will export the report to an excel file.
